Eriksfiord is presenting LWD vs WL image facies at the 2022 Annual EAGE in Madrid

We are looking forward to our presentation at the 83rd EAGE annual, Wednesday 8-June 0950h. We will discuss the interpretation potential of WL and LWD borehole image tools using a consistent approach for textural analyses
Eriksfiord is presenting at Virtual Carbonate Forum 2021

The Bajocian to Bathonian Dhruma Fm is discussed in outcrops of the Oman Mountains in the Sultanate of Oman. Similar to the Upper Mafraq Member (Schlaich et al. 2018), the Dhruma Fm represents deposits of a shallow-marine environment. It is dominated by carbonates and onlaps onto the Mafraq Fm from the northwest to the […]
Eriksfiord is with DNO @ 35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology

Unravelling deltaic architecture using borehole image logs in the Brasse Field, North Sea Donatella Mellere, András Uhrin, Dagfinn Veiberg, Elisa Scagnetto, Zbyněk Veselovský The combination of core and borehole images was used for mapping the architecture of a reservoir composed of 10–20 m thick fourth-order sequences, which represent the cyclic development of river-dominated, tidally […]
Eriksfiord co-authors @ AAPG Triassic North Sea Central Graben virtual conference

AAPG Triassic North Sea Central Graben virtual conference. 26-27. January 2021 New data from an old province – The Triassic in the South Viking Graben, Norway Silvan Hoth 1 , Simone Isabelle Huwe 1 , Allard Willem Martinius 1 , Andras Uhrin 2 , Carsten Vahle 2 , Zbynek Veselovsky 2 , Michael Urbat 3 […]
Season’s greetings

Eriksfiord presents @ virtual 2021 NGF Vinterkonferanse

Eriksfiord presents at the virtual 2021 NGF Vinterkonferanse the 8th January 2021 @11:35. From vertical muds to flat sands – where standard sedimentological workflows do not work. Veselovsky, Z. & Uhrin, A.
Eriksfiord presents @ EAGE GET2020 conference November 2020

Look out for our presentation of the borehole image analysis workflow for geothermal exploration at the EAGE online conference 16-18 Nov: GET2020 – First Geoscience & Engineering in Energy Transition Conference
Eriksfiord co-author with Neptune Energy about Fenja Field, Norway

Eriksfiord published a paper about the Fenja Field, offshore Norway together with Neptune Energy. Jones GED, Welbon AIF, Mohammadlou H, Sakharov A, Ford J, Needham T and Ottesen C (2020) Complex stratigraphic fill of a small, confined syn-rift basin: an Upper Jurassic example from offshore Mid-Norway. Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 495,