Eriksfiord provides a training course in reservoir geomechanics in client offices or virtually. Training is based on temporary installations of Vinland on participants’ computers. There are two instructors, one presenting and explaining, and another in the background helping individual participants. This method works best for around 10 participants.
Training material will be distributed in pdf format. The material is for internal use by participants and other client staff and is not in the public domain.
Subjects covered:
- Stress and strain in porous rocks
- Stress near a borehole
- Borehole image – how to generate from the image log
- Stress related features and fractures on the image
- Mechanical properties of reservoir and overburden
- Rock mechanics and strength models
- Pressure measurements and pressure testing
- Stress inversion of BHI features
- Borehole stability and well planning
- Rock stress in relation to plate motion and tectonics
- Stress, pressure and fracture permeability
- Artificial fracturing, stimulation
- Dipole sonic methods for rock properties and stress
- Worked examples on data provided by the client
Training can be modified according to the requirements of the client. Contact us for an offer and a discussion of the course schedule which suits you best.