
Some relevant publications:

Mullins O. C., (SLB), Ruehlicke B, Veselovsky Z & Vahle C (Eriksfiord), Schlicht P, Laronga J. R. & Betancourt S. S. (SLB), Thibodeaux B & Hakim B (Talos) (2024): Combination of Borehole Image Logs and Downhole Fluid Analysis Logs to Assess Reservoir Connectivity. SPWLA 65nd Annual Logging Symposium; 18-22.5.2024, SPWLA-2024-038.

Petrik A, Vahle C, Gianotten IP, Trøan LI, Rojo L and Galbraith K (2023) Quantitative characterisation of fracture connectivity from high-resolution borehole image logs. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 155, 106405.

Meneguolo R, Sundal A, Martinius AW, Veselovsky Z, Cullum A and Milovanova E (2022) Impact of the lower Jurassic Dunlin Group depositional elements on the Aurora CO2 storage site, EL001, northern North Sea, Norway. International Journal of Greenhous Gas Control, 119, 103723.

Uhrin, A. & Schlaich, M. (Eriksfiord), Kollien, T. (Lundin Energy), Horstman, M. & Shrivastava, C. (SLB) (2022): Consistent Interpretation of Geological Facies across WL and LWD Borehole Images with Technology Advances. 83rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition.

Ruehlicke B. (Eriksfiord), Kallhovd A, Castagnoli P. J. & Kumar D. (SLB), Haugestaul J., Nagy-Korodi I. & Spitzmueller A. (MOL) (2021) Have We Reached Fullwave Sonic P&S Wireline-Immunity Through LWD Advantages?, Fourth EAGE Borehole Geology Workshop, EAGE, 27-29 September 2021.

Ruehlicke B, Uhrin A, Veselovsky Z & Schlaich M (2021): Taming the Thunder Horse with Axes and Vectors. SPWLA 62nd Annual Logging Symposium; 17-20.5.2021, SPWLA-2021-008.

Jones GED (Neptune), Welbon AIF (Neptune), Mohammadlou H (Neptune), Sakharov A (Neptune), Ford J (Petrostat), Needham T (Needham-Geoscience) and Ottesen C (Eriksfiord) (2021) Complex stratigraphic fill of a small, confined syn-rift basin: an Upper Jurassic example from offshore Mid-Norway. Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 495,

Vahle C, Veselovsky Z & Ruehlicke B (2020) Detailed geological reservoir characterisation using an integrated analysis of borehole image logs, GET2020 – First Geoscience & Engineering in Energy Transition Conference, EAGE, 16-18 November 2020.

Paludan, J., Abrouche, M. S. (Baker Hughes), Oulad Hedda, Y., Hichour, B. & Taleb, H (Sonatrach) (2019): Using core photos as image logs: An example from a fractured reservoir in Algeria.   Third EAGE Borehole Geology Workshop, BG20.

Ruehlicke B, Carter JM & Ottesen GC (2019): The statistical eigenvector analysis technique (SEAT) for dip data analysis. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 110 (December 2019), 856-870.

Gabbard P (Talos), Veselovsky Z (Eriksfiord), Ruehlicke B (Eriksfiord), Vahle C (Eriksfiord), Kosmitis D (Talos), Albertson M (Talos), Tett D (Talos) (2019): Zama Discovery: From Depocenters to Paleo-Currents. Combination of Seismic and Borehole Image Datasets. Petroleum geology of Mexico and the Northern Caribbean. The Geological Society, London, May 2019.

Vahle C, Ruehlicke, B, Veselovsky Z, Hansen B (2019): Integration of latest oil-base mud borehole images with lower resolution tools, Thunder Horse North field, GOM. Third Borehole Geology Workshop; 14-17.10. 2019, Muscat, Oman.

Henry L (BP), Wadsworth J (BP), Hansen B (Eriksfiord), Hartman K (BP) (2018): Erosion and ponding of Thunder Horse deepwater turbidites by mass transport complexes in Mississippi Canyon based on image log sedimentology. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 97, 639-658.

Paludan, J., Kerrouche, N. (Baker Hughes), Belahmeur, S., Hamma, T. & Lakhcakheche, R. (Sonatrach) (2018): Characterization of a Fractured Ordovician Pipe Rock based on Image Logs and Core. 80th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, We P8 05.

Zacharski J (Oren Upstream) and Hansen B (Eriksfiord) 2017: Stress field and natural fracture system in Polish Shale Belt based on borehole images. Conference Proceedings, Second EAGE Borehole Geology Workshop, Oct 2017.

Joubert JB (Total) and Hansen B (Eriksfiord) 2017: Understanding wireline borehole image workflows from the wellsite to the end user. Conference Proceedings, Second EAGE Borehole Geology Workshop, Oct 2017.

Gryaznov, A., Paludan, J., Bizeray, M., Menshavwy, A. E., Balamanga, J., Embry, J.-M., Burns, C. (Baker Hughes), Fomin, R. & Aleksakhin, Y. (Gazprom) (2017): 3D Modelling of a Tight Naturally Fractured Reservoir in Algeria. Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE-185878-MS.

Paludan, J., Kerrouche, N. (Baker Hughes) & Toufik, H. (Sonatrach) (2017): The State of Stress in North Africa – A Conceptual Model Based on Borehole Image Data from Algerian Oil Wells. Second EAGE Borehole Geology Workshop, BGL03.

Paludan, J., Bizeray, M. S. (Baker Hughes) & Panien, M. (ENGIE, Netherlands) (2017): Characterization of a seismic-scale fault zone by means of borehole image analysis.  Second EAGE Borehole Geology Workshop, BGL13.

Veselovsky (Eriksfiord) & Stueland (OMV Norge) (2016) High-resolution interpretation of depositional environments based on the integration of borehole images and cores. Wisting discovery, PL537, Barents Sea, Norway. NPF Arctic exploration conference, Tromso, Norway, 31.5-2.6.2016.

Horváth F, Musitz B (Geomega), Balázs A (Eötvös Loránd University), Végh A (University of Pécs), Uhrin A (Eriksfiord), Nádor A (Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary), Koroknai B (Geomega), Pap N (University of Pécs), Tóth T and Wórum G (Geomega) (2015) Evolution of the Pannonian basin and its geothermal resources. Geothermics, 53, 328-352.

Ruehlicke B (2013): Get to know Eigenvectors in Hall, M (2013): 52 Things You Should Know About Geology.

Hetzel R, Zwingmann H, Mulch A, Gessner K, Akal C, Hampel A, Giungor T, Petschick R, Mikes T, Wedin F (2013). Spatiotemporal evolution of brittle normal faulting and fluid infiltration in detachment fault systems – a case study from the Menderes Massif, western Turkey. Tectonics, 32, 364-376.

Folkestad A (Equinor), Veselovsky Z (Eriksfiord), Roberts P (Equinor) (2012): Utilising borehole image logs to interpret delta to estuarine system: A case study of the subsurface Lower Jurassic Cook Formation in the Norwegian northern North Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 29, 255-275.

Hansen B, Buczak J (2010). Making Interpretable Images from Image Logs, in M. Poeppelreiter, ed. Dipmeter and Borehole Image Log Technology: AAPG Memoir 92, 51-66.

Hansen B, Ruehlicke B & Vahle C (2009): New method for quick stress inversion and stability prediction. SPE/AAPG/SEG workshop, Pore Pressure Prediction, Monitoring, and Wellbore Stability, San Antonio, USA.

Folkestad A, Roberts P, Veselovsky Z (2009): Sheltered Tidal Deltas Within an Active Fault-Block Setting – A Case Study of the Cook Formation (Pliensbachian-Toarcian) in the Northern North Sea (Norway) Based on Cores, Borehole Images and Logs for Sedimentological Interpretation. AAPG Annual Meeting 2009, Denver, Colorado, USA.

Mikes T, Baldi-Beke M, Kazmer M, Dunkl I, von Eynatten H (2008). Calcareous nannofossil age constraints on Miocene flysch sedimentation in the Outer Dinarides. In: Siegesmund et al. (Eds.) Tectonic Aspects of the Alpine-Carpathian-Dinaride System. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 298, 335-363.

Veselovsky Z, Bechstaedt T, Zuehlke R (2008): Structural, reverse-basin and forward stratigraphic modelling of the Southern Cantabrian Basin, northwest Spain. In: de Boer et al. (Eds.) Analogue and numerical modelling of sedimentary systems: from understanding to prediction. Spec. Publ. Int. Assoc. Sedimentol. 40, 65-96.

Moeller U, Culpan R, Schleicher M, Fontana RL & PhippsA (2006): From Source to Sink – A Depositional Model for Upper Slope Canyons in the Lower tertiary – Campos Basin, Brazil.- AAPG Int. Conf. 2006, Perth, Australia.

Galarraga M & Hansen B (2005): SPE 95060-PP. Detailed 3D Seismic Interpretation using HFI sesimic Data, Fault Throw, and Stress Analysis for Fault reactivation in the Cogollo Group, Lower Cretaceous, Urdaneta West Field, Maracaibo Basin.

Ottesen CG, Heerde W & Weihe T (2005). Tectono-stratigraphic evolution and controls on volcanics in Early Cretaceous in Hamaimat area, Libya. Paper Z99 EAGE Madrid, Spain.

Paludan, J., Oudjida, L. (Baker Hughes) & Mekmouche, S. (Sonatrach) (2005):  Defining the complete stress tensor from log data -examples from the Hassi Messaoud Field, Algeria.  Extended abstract:  European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers: 2nd North African/ Mediterranean Petroleum & Geosciences Conference & Exhibition, Algiers, Algeria, April 2005.

Galarraga M & Hansen B (2005). Detailed 3D seismic interpretation using HFI seismic data, fault throw, and stress analysis for fault reactivation in the Cogollo Group, Lower Cretaceous, Urdaneta West Field, Maracaibo Basin. IX Lacpec, SPE 95060.

Poppelreiter M, Balzarini MA, Hansen B, Nelson R (2005). Realizing complex carbonate facies, diagenetic and fracture properties with standard reservoir modelling software. In: The future of geological modeling in hydrocarbon development. Geol.Soc.Spec.Publ. 309.

Poppelreiter M, Balzarini M, de Sousa P, Engel S, Galarraga M, Hansen B, Marquez X, Morell J, Nelson R, Rodriquez F (2005). Structural control onsweet spot distribution in a carbonate reservoir: Concepts and 3D Models (Cogollo Group, Lower Cretaceous, Venezuela). AAPG Bulletin, v.89, no.12, 1651-1676.

Veselovsky Z (2004): Integrated numerical modelling of a polyhistory basin, Southern Cantabrian Basin (Palaeozoic, NW-Spain), Gaea heidelbergensis 13.

Hansen B & Weihe T (2004). The Control of Geomechanics on Reservoir Properties of the Upper Sarir Sandstone Fm., Nakhla Oil Field, Hameimat Trough, East Sirt Basin, Libya. Symposium on the Geology of East Libya.

Weihe T, Porebski S, Dellepiane S (2004). Depositional architecture of the Upper Sarir Sandstone Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in the Nakhla and Tuama oil fields, Hameimat Trough, East Sirt Basin, Libya. Symposium on the Geology of East Libya.

Moeller U, Eisenach P, Karg H, Klarner S, Fischer K, Van Boom R, Schleicher M, Schulz U, & Tscherny R (2004): Basin Modelling, a valuable Exploration tool – An Example from Brazils Campos Basin.- AAPG Int. Conf. 2004, Cancun, Mexico.

Veselovsky Z, Bechstaedt T, Zuehlke R (2003): Combination of Structural Balancing, Reverse Basin and Forward Stratigraphic Modelling: New Methods Applied to Old Rocks (Southern Cantabrian Mountains, Spain). AAPG Annual Meeting, 12, A176.

Veselovsky Z, Bechstaedt T, Zuehlke R (2003): Sequence Stratigraphic Simulation in a Highly Tectonized Foreland-Basin (Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain). NGF, Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway.

Schleicher M & Thiede P (2003): Evaluation of Petrel vs RMS in a case study, Giant Urengoy Gas Field, Siberia, Russia.- 2nd Roxar German User Conference, February 2003, Kassel, Germany.

Veselovsky Z, Bechstaedt T, Zuehlke R (2002): Quantitative Beckenanalyse auf der Basis kombinierter 2D-Rueckwaerts- und Vorwaertsmodellierungen (Bernesga Tal, Kantabrisches Gebirge, NW-Spanien. Schriftenreihe der DGG, 17, 209-210.

Schleicher M, Koester J, Kulke H & Weil W (1998): Reservoir and source rock characterization of the lower Paleozoic interval in the Peribaltic Syneclise in northern Poland.- J. Petrol. Geol., 21/1, p. 33-56, Beaconsfield, USA.

Lawrence DA & Schleicher M (1996): Syn-sedimentary deformation fabrics from dipmeter and borehole images; Implications for depositional evolution of the Hod and Tor formation in the Valhall field.- Chalk Geoscience Workshop 1996, Stavanger, Norway.